The concert with the Philharmonic is special because I was in Santiago on an exchange
The Portuguese musician will perform in the first date of the (En)Foco cycle of this season 8:30...
Beers at the bar with Gershwin and the Royal Philharmonic of Galicia
Four minutes of applause marked the first RFG concert in the didactic cycle ‘(En)foco’, with...
The Filharmonia de Galicia offers the first concert of the season with Vasco Dantas
La Voz de Galicia: Trátase dun proxecto especial para facilitar a comprensión das composicións por...
Vasco Dantas: a ascensão de um pianista português de excelência
Num campo artístico tão competitivo e em constante evolução como a música clássica, Vasco Dantas...
Vasco Dantas brings together Freitas Branco and Debussy in his new album
"Préludes | Prelúdios", the new work by pianist Vasco Dantas, offers a musical fusion, exploring...
Vasco Dantas Rocha, a portuguese pianist: “excellent soloist, with a brilliant and sparkling touch and clear structure”
Goslar, Germany. On August 31st 2023, the “excellent soloist, with a brilliant and sparkling touch...
Pianist Vasco Dantas plays virtuoso!
Mozart! With the soloist Vasco Dantas and the German Southwest Chamber Orchestra
Mozart becomes extremely emotional, almost romantic, in this piano concerto. Vasco Dantas...
Pianist Vasco Dantas shines with emotionally sensitive interpretation
The friendly duel of pianists Raúl da Costa and Vasco Dantas at the 57th Sintra Festival
AcáMúsica: Vasco Dantas Rocha filled the venue
The year 2023 began at the Marília Rocha Auditorium with a completely packed room, to listen to...
Full house at the first concert of the year by AcáMúsica to hear pianist Vasco Dantas Rocha
The year 2023 began at the Marília Rocha Auditorium with a completely packed room, to listen to...
Isabel Vaz’ warm sonorous cello sound and the sensitive piano accompaniment of Vasco Dantas gave additional emotional depth to the evening.
Moving hour of commemoration Church district Jülich recollects of Düren`s and Jülich`s devastation...
Gastronomic concert: when music mixes with the pleasures of taste and smell!
The second concert of the 45th edition of FIMUV is an innovation in what is one of the oldest...
“40 Artists for the next 40 years” – Jornal de Letras
He completed his degree, with “1st class & Distinction”, at the Royal College of Music, in London, and a master’s degree in Germany, with prof. Heribert Koch, at the University of Münster, where he is now doing his PhD. In 2015, he played with the Hong Kong Symphonia; in 2017, in Moscow, with the Kremlin Chamber Orchestra; in 2019, he performed solo at Carnegie Hall in New York. He has edited four albums: Promenade (2015), Golden Liszt (2016), Freitas Branco | Sonatas (2020) and Poetic Scenes (2020).
Sensitive soloist: Vasco Dantas plays Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 9 in E flat major with SWDKO in Germany
Vasco Dantas devoted himself to the countless chirping trills, flirtatious decorations and rapidly sparkling runs with an almost lyrical ease of the game while still precisely defining keystroke. He designed the demanding solo cadences in a highly virtuoso way with great sensitivity at the same time.
Soloist Vasco Dantas shows his skills on the piano
The young Portuguese pianist Vasco Dantas was the soloist in the concert. He delighted the audience with his interpretation, clearly showing the virtuoso and the soulful Passagen and thanked for the great applause with a composition from his Homeland.
Piano recitals by Vasco Dantas and Michel D’Alberto (June 17th and 19th, 2021)
The concert of pianist Vaško Dantaš in the big hall of Kolarac’s endowment and within the Art Link festival was a rare opportunity for the audience to get acquainted with a slightly different pianist repertoire.
Portuguese pianist is the first choice of the year 2020 for Orchestergraben
Great music in special times. Three top musicians on stage. (Aachener Nachrichten)
(German original text below) Great music in special times The Düren Concert Forum "Cappella Villa...
Trio Estoril – 46º FESTIVAL DE ESTORIL LISBOA Vasco Dantas (piano), Rui Lopes (fagote), Adriana Ferreira (flauta) – Hotel Palácio, Estoril, 29 de julho
(Portuguese original text below) 46th ESTORIL LISBON FESTIVAL Vasco Dantas (piano), Rui Lopes...
Carnegie Hall – Picturesque Brilliance and Rare Treasures at Vasco Dantas New York Debut
by delarue “Feel free to create your own story for each of these preludes,” pianist Vasco Dantas...
Vasco Dantas performed before a full house in the famous Carnegie Hall in New York
Algarve Music Series came to an end in apotheosis at Teatro Lethes
#224 Algarve Informativo
Algarve Music Series starts today with concerts and masterclasses in Faro and Loulé
“Página 2″ RTP 2 – Tomás Costa & Vasco Dantas, with Sandra Sousa”
"Welcome to Page 2 that promises to be doubly inspiring today.Two young musicians that the talent...
O campeão mundial de judo, um pianista em ascensão e a exposição Joe Ber’arte – É a vida Alvim T5 Ep.76
Neste programa, Fernando Alvim conversa com o campeão do mundo de judo veterano, o João Neves, com...
Recital by Vasco Dantas
Matosinhos Piano Cycle finishes this saturday, 29th June....
New Composition by Mário Laginha opens Ciclo de Piano in Matosinhos
O ciclo de piano do programa Música em Matosinhos vai decorrer até 29 de junho, com concertos no...
Pianist Vasco Dantas in the US before premiering at Carnegie Hall
“RTP – Vasco Dantas returns to Casa da Música with Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto”
“Vasco Dantas returns home”, Jornal de Notícias
Portuguese Evening: “A wonderful evening”
Soprano Elsa Dreisig debuts on Sunday in Portugal
The concert, in the large auditorium of the Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon, also counts on the...
Piano Recital at Musikhochschule Münster
On 7th January at 7.30pm at the Musikhochschule Münster, a piano recital shared by Vasco Dantas...
“Madeira Piano Fest brings two more musicians to the Theatre”
Today is Vasco Dantas. On Sunday will be Peter Donohoe's turn, both at 6pm.
“Vasco Dantas guarantees Portuguese presence at the Piano Festival”
Report by RTP Madeira moments before the Piano Recital by Vasco Dantas, integrated in Madeira...
“Algarve Music Series brings chamber music to Faro”
From October 18th to 20th, the third edition of the chamber music festival - Algarve Music Series...
Music: Travel through Iberia and America
Tomás Costa (Violin) and Vasco Dantas (Piano) gave an excellent concert at Schloss Burgau....
Sounds from USA, Spain and Portugal
The pianist Vasco Dantas (26) from Portugal, promises for his concert, on Sunday at Schloss...
“Music in the Nest of the Eagles” © Expresso
Marvão International Music Festival - Piano Recital on 07/27/2018 at the Church of Santiago, in...
Interview to “The Orange Letter” Ana Rocha: Who is Vasco Dantas? Vasco Dantas:A simple...
“Delicious sounds at new piano festival”
There could not have been a more varied programme than Thursday night's offering by young...
“Pianist uses savings to start new Piano Festival”
Home-grown musician Wang Congyu brings internationally acclaimed musicians here for masterclasses...
“New Year’s Concert” © Almada Monthly Agenda Magazine, January 2018
"He has received over fifty awards and international awards. A young Portuguese pianist, for whom...
“Concert by Heribert Koch’s Piano Class”
© Westfälische Nachrichten (Münster)
“Portuguese Pianist surprises Moscow”, RTP
“German Music with a Portuguese Slant”
November 29 The Chamber Orchestra "KREMLIN", under the direction of its artistic director Misha...
Pianist Vasco Dantas performs solo in Manchester with pieces by Portuguese composers © Diário de Notícias
The Portuguese pianist Vasco Dantas performs in solo recital Saturday in Manchester, in a program...
“A Prove of Talent in the Chapel of the Castle”
“A piano in Pena, as if it were Liszt’s” 4/03/2017 ©...
“Perfect Harmony from Soloist and Orchestra”
Interview for the Blog “O Canto do Vieira”
website of the interview:...
Interview for “Porto Canal”, Portugal
“Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto no.2”, Münster Regional Zeitung (Germany)
Piano Recital for “Festival Cistermúsica” in Mosteiro de Alcobaça, Portugal
“Auditório Senhora da Boa Nova was sold out!” © Cyber Jornal
On the piano, as soloist, was the extraordinary virtuosity of Vasco Dantas, a portuguese with just...
Klavierwunder Dantas plays in der Zitadelle
"Pianist-wonder Dantas performs in the Zitadelle Jülich. A young pianist-prodigy from Portugal...
Concert Critic on Aachen Newspaper
"Top performance and a star on the piano" For the 75th anniversary, the Collegium Musicum Jülich...
Personalities of 2015, Matosinhos (Portugal)
The city of Matosinhos (Portugal) has chosen 22 people who are by different reasons connected to...
CD “Promenade” broadcasted on MDR Klassik german radio
Visit Website: The german Radio "MDR...
Piano Recital by Vasco Dantas Rocha
Piano Recital by Vasco Dantas opening the Cerimony of 60 Years of the School "Escola Secundária...
Golden Merit Medal
Vasco Dantas Rocha was given the Golden Merit Award by the City of Matosinhos. Click for the...
“Musicians from 16 different countries in the 1st Viseu International Piano Competition”
"The age of the 23 contestants goes between 15 and 28 years old, and they represent 16 different...
Most difficult works of Liszt brilliantly played
Evening concert with Vasco Dantas offering a highly ambitious program, presented with an...
The Newspapers “Aachener Zeitung & Aachener Nachrichten” promoting my solo recital at Schloss Kapelle, Jülich (Germany)
(ENGLISH TRANSLATION) Young pianist Dantas at Castle’s Chapel After the sensational solo debut by...
Japanese Amazon reserving list to order the new CD Promenade
Düren Zeitung, Concert at Düren Schloß Burgau, Germany 2014
"Extreme virtuoso served by a delicate sound"
Düren Zeitung, Masterclass and Concert, Germany 2014
Jornal de Barueri, Recital at Teatro Barueri, São Paulo, Brazil 2014
Jornal de Vitória, Concert with Orquestra Sinfónica do Espírito Santo Brazil -2014
Düren Zeitung, Concert, Germany 2014
Düren Zeitung, Recital in Langerwehe, Germany 2013
Aachener Zeitung, Recital in Langerwehe, Germany 2013
Casa da Música Website, Concert, Portugal 2013
Concert at Teatro Campo Alegre, Portugal – 2013
Portuguese National Television RTP1 News, Debut in Casa da Música, Portugal 2011
Jornal de Notícias, Debut in Casa da Música, Portugal 2011
Jornal Boas Notícias, Debut in Casa da Música, Portugal – 2011
Jornal de Notícias, Debut in Casa da Música, Portugal 2011
Jornal Labor, 1st Prize at Florinda Santos Piano Competition, Portugal 2010
Recital at Portimão, Faro, Portugal 2009
Jornal Matosinhos Hoje, Interview, Portugal 2008
Jornal Primeira Mão, 1st Prize at Ivo Cruz Chamber Music Competition , Portugal 2004
Duo Musikó [Vasco Dantas (piano) and Afonso Almeida (Violin)] wins 1st Prize at Ivo Cruz Chamber...