Moving hour of commemoration Church district Jülich recollects of Düren`s and Jülich`s devastation at second war by Pedro Obiera (Original german text below) (JÜLICH) The church district of Jülich has recollected of Düren`s and Jülich`s devastation on 16. November...
The second concert of the 45th edition of FIMUV is an innovation in what is one of the oldest classical music festivals in the country: it will combine musical interpretation with gastronomy for the first time. This harmonization will take place this Sunday at 5:30...
Original text (portuguese) at the bottom: 25th August – 7th September 2021 JL JORNALDELETRAS.PT 40 Years of JL – 40 ARTISTS 1.What are your main references? 2. Why did you choose your artistic and professional field? (How and when did you decide and why or...,-SWDKO-spielt-Werke-des-jungen-Mozart-im-gut-besuchten-CCP-_arid,1599120.html Sensitive soloist: Vasco Dantas plays Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 9 in E flat major. Photo: Moritz Pforzheim. You can clearly see it: The music...
„The young Portuguese pianist Vasco Dantas was the soloist in the concert for piano and orchestra in E flat major KV 271, which was misnamed for 100 years as “Jeunehomme”. Mozart dedicated the work to the pianist Louise Victoire Jenamy, the daughter of the...
Pijanistički resitali Vaška Dantaša i Mišela Dalbertoa (17. i 19. jun 2021.) Piano recitals by Vasco Dantas and Michel D’Alberto (June 17th and 19th, 2021) The concert of pianist Vaško Dantaš in the big hall of Kolarac’s endowment and within the Art Link...