There could not have been a more varied programme than Thursday night’s offering by young Portuguese pianist Vasco Dantas. Opening with Schumann’s Scenes Of Childhood and closing with Mussorgsky’s Pictures At An Exhibition, this was a recital of...
Home-grown musician Wang Congyu brings internationally acclaimed musicians here for masterclasses to develop young talent (…) “Portuguese Pianist Vasco Dantas who has won more than 50 prizes in International Music Competitions, will be using his class to...
“He has received over fifty awards and international awards. A young Portuguese pianist, for whom “music is a universal language”. Vasco Dantas travels around the world with his performances and on January 7 he performs in Almada in the traditional...
November 29 The Chamber Orchestra “KREMLIN”, under the direction of its artistic director Misha Rakhlevsky, presented a new program to Moscow music lovers in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory . Rakhlevsky is a great original in everything, and...